The sole objective of occurrence reporting is the prevention of accidents and incidents and not to attribute blame or liability.

One key to the successful implementation of safety regulation is to attain a “just culture” reporting environment within aviation organisations, regulators and investigation authorities. This effective reporting culture depends on how those organisations handle blame and punishment.

A ‘just culture’ should encourage individuals and organizations to report safety-related information. It should not, however, absolve individuals of their normal responsibilities. In this context, employees and contracted personnel should not be subject to any prejudice on the basis of information provided pursuant to Regulation (EU) 376/2014, except in cases of wilful misconduct or where there has been manifest, severe and serious disregard with respect to an obvious risk and profound failure of professional responsibility to take such care as is evidently required in the circumstances, causing foreseeable damage to a person or to property, or seriously compromising the level of aviation safety.

In order to raise the just culture awareness, we encourage you to ensure that any personal data contained in the reports is deleted before reports are sent to the Macedonian Civil Aviation Agency.

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