15 years part of the European aviation authorities

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The Civil Aviation Agency of the Republic of Macedonia in Brussels on 4 December 2013, at the headquarters of the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation – EUROCONTROL, formally celebrated the 15th anniversary of its membership in the European agency.
As the Macedonian Information Agency – MIA correspondent from Brussels reports, in the official hall colored with the national yellow and red colors, the Director General of the Civil Aviation Agency Mr. Dejan Mojsoski, to the ambassadors, diplomats and representatives of the 40 EUROCONTROL Member States, send a massage that our country will continue to invest in this area in order to improve the quality and to increase the percentage of flights to the Republic of Macedonia.
“The Civil Aviation Agency of the Republic of Macedonia has high achievements in the field of the air transport, in particular to the increase of the number of passengers. We have growth of over 15 percent and among the European countries we have the highest increase in the number of air traffic passengers.” stated the Head of the Macedonian Civil Aviation Agency.
Congratulating on the Macedonian Jubilee, which coincided with the 50th anniversary of the creation of the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation, the EUROCONTROL Director General Mr. Frank Brenner, welcomed the initiative and involvement of the Republic of Macedonia in the work of the Organization.
“I hope for future successful projects. We are an Agency with a great tradition and our common challenge and responsibility is to work and be involved in the achieving of a successful and safe air traffic.“ emphasized Mr. Brenner.
Mr. Brenner and the CAA Director General Mr. Mojsoski elaborated that the relationship between our Agency and EUROCONTROL are on the highest level, that there is the best possible cooperation and that our country is assisted and supported in terms of the implementation of the future projects. It was pointed out that the Republic of Macedonia remains committed to achieving the highest standards and promotion of the Country, not only on the European, but also on the worldwide level.
After the ceremony, Director General Mr. Mojsoski in the statement given to the MIA correspondent, indicated that he promotes the achievements and fulfillments of the European standards regarding the aviation, for which the Republic of Macedonia has received a significant recognition from all 40 EUROCONTROL Member States in relation to success in the air transport.
“What is important is that we remain committed to the future projects that will work together with EUROCONTROL regarding the opening of air traffic Kosovo upper area, expecting increase of 20% in the number of flights, which would help into the reduction of the prices in the air transport in the Republic of Macedonia. All of this will enable reduction of the prices that will be paid by the Macedonian citizens for traveling to the European and global destinations, “says Mojsoski.
At this event, the commitment of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia was promoted in respect to the projects that were implemented last year in terms of infrastructural improvements, concession of the airports, the low-cost low-budget airlines, cheap flights and increased air traffic. It was welcomed as an initiative, and it was noted by the audience that it was particularly noticeable in the increase of the traffic and the reduction of the prices that has a significant part in the increase of the air transport at the European level.
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