Working meeting of the CAA, M-NAV, TAV and EUROCONTROL representatives for the implementation of the project for “Civil Aviation Support”

In the premises of the Civil Aviation Agency, on 12 February 2020, a scheduled coordinative meeting was held, between the representatives of CAA, M-NAV, TAV and EUROCONTROL, in respect to the implementation of the project for ”Civil Aviation Support” that this organization is implementing for the needs of its member- states.
The aim of this meeting was the preparation of the review of activities developed during the past 2019, as well as laying down the additional activities that in accordance with the concluded requirements of CAA, M-NAV and TAV are intended to be established during the period of 2020-2022.
Director General of the Civil Aviation Agency, Ph.D. Tomislav Tuntev, expressed his gratitude to the distinguished guests towards the support given by the EUROCONTROL to CAA, as well as to all concerned parties in the civil aviation at our country, referring to the process of transposition and implementation of the requirements for the Single European Sky.
The EUROCONTROL representatives stressed out that only Republic of North Macedonia has completely implemented the planned activities for 2019.
On the meeting, the following activities were determined for implementation during the period 2020 – 2022 as support by EUROCONTROL during the process of implementation of the European Regulations 2017/373, 2014/139, 376/2014, 996/2010 and others;
The support includes implementation of the requirements for establishing of PBN, throughout the revision of the existing plan and preparation of a transitional plan in consultation with EUROCONTROL as well as activities for the implementation of the European Plan for runway excursion prevention;
During the forthcoming period it is going the intensify the preparation of new strategic plan for the M-NAV requirements as air navigation services provider and the planning and implementation of the ATM Master Plan.
In the premises of the Civil Aviation Agency, on 12 February 2020, a scheduled coordinative meeting was held, between the representatives of CAA, M-NAV, TAV and EUROCONTROL, in respect to the implementation of the project for ”Civil Aviation Support” that this organization is implementing for the needs of its member- states.
The aim of this meeting was the preparation of the review of activities developed during the past 2019, as well as laying down the additional activities that in accordance with the concluded requirements of CAA, M-NAV and TAV are intended to be established during the period of 2020-2022.
Director General of the Civil Aviation Agency, Ph.D. Tomislav Tuntev, expressed his gratitude to the distinguished guests towards the support given by the EUROCONTROL to CAA, as well as to all concerned parties in the civil aviation at our country, referring to the process of transposition and implementation of the requirements for the Single European Sky.
The EUROCONTROL representatives stressed out that only Republic of North Macedonia has completely implemented the planned activities for 2019.
On the meeting, the following activities were determined for implementation during the period 2020 – 2022 as support by EUROCONTROL during the process of implementation of the European Regulations 2017/373, 2014/139, 376/2014, 996/2010 and others;
The support includes implementation of the requirements for establishing of PBN, throughout the revision of the existing plan and preparation of a transitional plan in consultation with EUROCONTROL as well as activities for the implementation of the European Plan for runway excursion prevention;
During the forthcoming period it is going the intensify the preparation of new strategic plan for the M-NAV requirements as air navigation services provider and the planning and implementation of the ATM Master Plan.
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